Religion In Sports
By Ron Jumper
The idea of religion in sports is a very touchy subject to me. The idea of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, caring whether Dallas or Miami wins is hard to fathom. Players, coaches, and even fans seem to think God has a hand in determining the outcome of things like the Super Bowl, World Series, and NBA Finals. To me, if you are true Christian, that should be offensive to you. Lets take a look at several scenarios and you can decide for yourself how you feel.
*These are all hypothetical scenarios
The upcoming game between two Christian high schools, Southern Baptist High and United Methodist High, is about to take place. If one school or the other wins, how does that make the losing team feel then. Is being Methodist or Baptist better than one or the other? The winning team will say the Lord was on their side tonight, so that does make the Lord not on the other teams side?
Lets say a coach is on the hot seat and if he doesn’t win a certain amount of games this year then he is probably gone. This coach is a very Christian man and puts a lot of his faith in God to pull him through these difficult times. Two weeks into the season, his best player goes down with a torn ACL. The team goes on to have an awful season, should he feel like God let him down? I don’t think so; but, if he’d had a great season, he would have praised God for all the success right? So explain to me how that is fair?
The upcoming game between the Dallas Cowboys and New York Giants is about to be played. The Cowboys have 35 Christians on the roster and 17 pray for help on this victory. The Giants have 39 Christians on the roster and 16 pray for victory. In this situation, whoever wins will give the Lord credit but there were just as many prayers for victory on the opposing side that didn’t happen as well. That doesn’t lead me to believe God had anything to do with it.
I just wanted to release some frustration on a topic that I felt was offensive. I don’t see how God could decide on an outcome of a game. People gambling on sports pray for their team to win and that is against the Bible. How do people think God actually wanted them to win money gambling? Enjoy sports for what they are, a game. Don’t bring religion into sports, don’t revolve your life around sports, and just cheer your team. With all the pressing needs in the world, don’t think sports is anywhere near the top.
June 5, 2006